And then you hear the soft chirping of crickets...
Can you hear them?
They use that noise on cartoons and television shows alike to convey that no one is really listening...
Or that someone just delved into a conversation killer.
Have you been there?
That awkward moment when you wonder why you were talking in the first place?
There are days when writing feels like that. I wonder why in the world am I doing this?!
And then God whispers,
"You are part of my story and I am asking you to share it."
This week I'm sharing over with the crew again.
Will you join me as I share a little of what God has taught me about why our story matters?
Write on Dear Writers... Write On! <--Click here to read on
Whether you are a writer, mama, grandpa, pastor, coffee addict, former alcoholic, sinner extraordinaire, or quiet introvert...
God has given you an amazing story of grace and grit to share.
The question is will you?
What's stopping you from sharing your story and how can I pray for you today?
Joining Inspire Me Mondays

A blog about the adventures we can have in our every day lives if we are willing to follow God's lead. Whether you are walking, running, or stumbling, after Christ, I invite you to join me as I do the same. Following Christ is the best adventure you will ever step out on, but if you never put one foot in front of the other following in His steps you may miss the greatest adventures and blessings of your life while here on earth. Are you ready? Let's go!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Mid-Summer updates... On my life, the blog, a book, our freedom, and a prayer request.
Hi Friends!
Mid-Summer Updates...
We have had a summer full of the "unplanned" events. Like a car finally kicking the bucket. (We drive them till they die people... And believe me, "Stick a fork in that car 'cuz it's done". Farewell silver bullet the last 10 years or so you have served us well. RIP)
How are you all doing? I am doing pretty well. I am ever so grateful that summer is here! Honestly there were days this last winter when it "felt" like summer would never get here. Can I get an, "Amen!"?
There have been storms, a tree half down, a flood in the basement, and a pretty tedious, but cool fence being made from pallets. I think my husbands thoughts on it are, "Will this project ever come to an end!?!"
The good news is this fence soundly advertises, "Hey, all you bunnies, ground hogs, and deer out there? These are our veggies that we have toiled over for our family to eat...NOT you. Move along little furry creatures...move along.)
The good news is this fence soundly advertises, "Hey, all you bunnies, ground hogs, and deer out there? These are our veggies that we have toiled over for our family to eat...NOT you. Move along little furry creatures...move along.)
The hardest event this summer has been that my dear friend's sweet father passed away all too soon. I cannot do this justice with my simple words, but yes I did attempt to. (Here and here)
We are about to plunge ourselves into some new transitions which are both scary and exciting to us. There are more things, but I must say, each event I have mentioned whether they sounded good or bad...were all laced with God's hand of grace and love. They have contained some amazing blessings as well.
My friend's kiddos came to stay with us for a while. We have a newer car for my hubby to drive and I am no longer in fear when he climbs into the "death trap". The fence while not yet finished is doing it's job. And I have a couple of friends kicking my booty into better shape. A big ol', "Booyah!" to that! And it's Summer! Finally!!! Summer!
On the New Page...
Some of you may have seen the new page on my blog called, "Let's Talk Church".
I am simultaneously nervous and excited for this to get going. I haven't figured out if I will be posting on this topic once a month or more frequently. Any thoughts on this? Any suggested topics I should cover?
I will be reviewing it on here soon, but honestly go pre-order a copy.(There is a link in my side bar)
On Freedom...
This week we have the 4th of July! I am grateful that we live in a country where we are free. It seems like people are chattering away in discouragement over the different decisions being made by the courts and government...
Until you see the other side of the fence where persecution truly reigns. Where dictators rule and rampage with abuse and genocide.
I am simultaneously nervous and excited for this to get going. I haven't figured out if I will be posting on this topic once a month or more frequently. Any thoughts on this? Any suggested topics I should cover?
The last post was full of great conversation in the comments I am grateful to those who spoke their hearts and minds in the discussion. I am telling you these comments were over-flowing with convicting and humbling insights. I thank you all for taking part in it. I am praying for more and more to step forward into these conversations.
On a power-packed Book...
I am also excited as I finish up reading an exciting book. I mean just reading the different Authors' introductions for the book gave me goosebumps... or as my teens call them, "God-bumps."
I will be reviewing it on here soon, but honestly go pre-order a copy.(There is a link in my side bar)
If you are struggling with where to start with volunteering or in searching out God's heart for the least of these, then this book is what you have been looking for. Whether you agree with the different Author's perspectives or answers to the problems their information is sound and bountiful. More to come on this friends. ;)
Umm... Yes, I definitely love this quote!
On Freedom...
This week we have the 4th of July! I am grateful that we live in a country where we are free. It seems like people are chattering away in discouragement over the different decisions being made by the courts and government...
Some even saying we are not truly free.
And while I have been there at times myself, grumbling away... I have to put this reminder out here.
Friends we are living in a free country.
We have the freedom to work these things out and no I do not agree with all the limitations that some of our leaders are insisting on, but I can say just that.
I can say I don't agree with them to the press.
I can say I don't agree to my law-makers and reps.
And the police do not show up and take me away.
I have not been imprisoned or beaten by the authorities..
And eventually these things can be worked out.
Until you see the other side of the fence where persecution truly reigns. Where dictators rule and rampage with abuse and genocide.
I literally shutter when I think of what others are going through...
We are free.
We are free to lobby, debate, and stand up for our rights.
Please take a moment to breathe deep and realize the blessing of the freedoms you do have.
A Prayer request..
Lastly, can I ask for your prayers? I am going in for eye surgery this week on July 5.
Could you pray for a quick recovery and complete healing with no complications? I would and am so very grateful for your prayers and for this opportunity.
I am trying to get things ready on my blog so the posts will still come while I am recovering. I hope and pray you have a blessed week!
How can I pray for you?
God Bless you and yours greatly,
A tune for your thoughts and meditation today...I am so grateful that I am set free.
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