And then you hear the soft chirping of crickets...
Can you hear them?
They use that noise on cartoons and television shows alike to convey that no one is really listening...
Or that someone just delved into a conversation killer.
Have you been there?
That awkward moment when you wonder why you were talking in the first place?
There are days when writing feels like that. I wonder why in the world am I doing this?!
And then God whispers,
"You are part of my story and I am asking you to share it."
This week I'm sharing over with the crew again.
Will you join me as I share a little of what God has taught me about why our story matters?
Write on Dear Writers... Write On! <--Click here to read on
Whether you are a writer, mama, grandpa, pastor, coffee addict, former alcoholic, sinner extraordinaire, or quiet introvert...
God has given you an amazing story of grace and grit to share.
The question is will you?
What's stopping you from sharing your story and how can I pray for you today?
Joining Inspire Me Mondays

A blog about the adventures we can have in our every day lives if we are willing to follow God's lead. Whether you are walking, running, or stumbling, after Christ, I invite you to join me as I do the same. Following Christ is the best adventure you will ever step out on, but if you never put one foot in front of the other following in His steps you may miss the greatest adventures and blessings of your life while here on earth. Are you ready? Let's go!
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