Sometimes I procrastinate the inevitable...
Like the fact that Google Reader is about to say farewell and I will be out of a lovely e-reader for all of the blogs I subscribe to.
As of July 1st, it's gone for good friends. Have you switched to a new reader yet? I highly suggest doing so right now. If you are anything like me, you may find your self waking up on Monday morning thinking,
"Oh crud, I was supposed to do this 2 days ago!"
So I am taking a moment right now, as I write this, to switch e-readers and I wanted to help you out as well.
1) I value your readership here at Awakened and would love for our bloggie friendship to continue.
2) If any of you are like me, enjoying the summer of freeeeedom...You might have missed this update or may forget its almost here! (Ack!)
Here is a very quick and easy to understand post about the different alternative Readers available for you to switch to before
July 1st.
Read this one while I go attempt a switch myself and then I will let you know how it went...
Farewell Google Reader pt 1
More options are explained here...
Farewell Google Reader pt 2
Again the easiest way to keep in touch with your favorite bloggers is to subscribe by email. Then they continue to arrive in your inbox without any issues. ;)
If you haven't subscribed to Awakened yet, it's right up there to the right. Make sure you click the "confirm subscription" in your email otherwise it will not go through.
Okay, that was easy and an utter non-event. just the way I like any technical situation on the computer to be!
I chose to switch to Feedly because it advertised that you could switch your Google reader account seamlessly without having to manually add in all of your blogs again. (Plus, I am sometimes a creature of habit and it has a function that displays my feed just like my Google Reader did. "Le Sigh"
Guess what?!?!
They weren't kidding around. I am happy to say it took all of 2-3 clicks and within a minute everything was switched over.
Now it's your turn friends. Please, check out the links that explain it all in a simple and easy fashion. Then choose which alternative to Google Reader you want to switch to and get to it.
Just remember you need to do it now before July 1st, because after that you will have to manually re-subscribe to each of the blogs that you follow.
Also if you missed it, I was sharing over at again. I love this amazing crew of writers who are in love with Jesus. Here is a link to my article.
I am grateful especially for the comments. These people are sharing some fantastic insights! I hope you will share yours as well.
Reflections on Bird feeders and the Church
God Bless you and yours this week!
P.S. Don't forget to either subscribe by email to your favorite blogs or switch to a new e-reader before JULY 1ST! ;)

A blog about the adventures we can have in our every day lives if we are willing to follow God's lead. Whether you are walking, running, or stumbling, after Christ, I invite you to join me as I do the same. Following Christ is the best adventure you will ever step out on, but if you never put one foot in front of the other following in His steps you may miss the greatest adventures and blessings of your life while here on earth. Are you ready? Let's go!
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